
Visual studio code debug run gulp
Visual studio code debug run gulp

To do so, open the Node.js command prompt, navigate to the root of your project and execute the following command: npm init

visual studio code debug run gulp

Next, we need to initialize npm on the current project. All subsequent packages will be installed at the local level through. I generally tend to avoid global installs but for VSCode will not run Gulp if only installed locally. Open the Node.jS Command Prompt and type npm install -global gulp. With this out of the way, you can now install Gulp.

  • Download the executable from the ( " target="_blank).
  • Using chocalateyNuget choco install nodejs.
  • Npm is Node's package manager (hence the name, in case you missed it) and in order to get it you need to install Node.js. Choose your preferred location and create a new directory with name VSGulpTest. To create a project, you need a folder in the file system. If not, have a look ( GHOST_URL/typescript-and-vs-code/" target="_blank). I assume that you already have TypeScript and VSCode installed. What this means is that as long as you have a gulpfile.js at the root of your project, VS Code will happily pick it up and make the tasks available in the IDE.
  • BONUS - Adding a couple of watch tasks to automatically build js and css when the code's changedĪlthough Gulp is a stand-alone tool, VS Code has excellent support for it out-of-the box.
  • Compiling a Saas (CSS) file to pure css.
  • Although there is a crazy amount of tasks that you can setup, we will focus on 2 (+1 bonus) things:

    visual studio code debug run gulp

    But we are here to help! Today, I will show you how to use Gulp in Visual Studio code in order to run some basic tasks. NET developers and avid Visual Studio users will have a lot of catching up to do. And these tools are now first class citizens both in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.Ĭlassic.

    visual studio code debug run gulp

    In fact, these tools are so great that the upcoming release of ASP.NET has thrown away proprietory package and task managers in favour of the widely adopted and established tools used by the community. I can't even imagine having to do any front-end work without ( " target="_blank), ( " target="_blank) or ( " target="_blank). Posted in JavaScript, TypeScript, VS Code, GulpĪs a web developer, certain tools have become indispensable. Setting up a Gulp task with Visual Studio Code 02 September 2015

    Visual studio code debug run gulp