
London relations with global cities
London relations with global cities

london relations with global cities

This economic function is characterized, in the East, by skyscrapers grouped within the City, the CBD, the capital's business centre. London has Economic functions: London is one of the world's leading financial centres. London has Political and diplomatic functions: the Westminster Palace and Abbey, seat of Parliament and coronation place of the kings of England, 10 Downing Street, residence of the Prime Minister, embassies, ministry district, etc. These important and prestigious functions mark its territory with buildings that symbolize them.

london relations with global cities

London is the political capital of the United Kingdom and a diplomatic, economic and intellectual command centre. A landscape that reflects its international power A metropolis that has the infrastructure of a global cityĪ.

london relations with global cities

They are hubs around wich people, capital informations and goods revolve, but how london is a global city ?ġ. The majors centres of the world are New-York, London, Tokyo and Paris. First I would introduce the following notion by this question, what's a global city ?Ī global city is a city generally considerated to be an important node in the global economic system.

London relations with global cities